Why is My AC Blowing Hot Air?

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Is Your Air Conditioner Blowing Warm Air?

ac blowing hot air

It’s gettin’ hot in here! It’s a horrible feeling to turn on your air conditioner, only to discover that the air coming out of your vents is hot rather than cool. It’s especially unpleasant when you’re in the midst of a heatwave or a scorching summer day and all you want to do is cool down.

You might want to check a few things before calling for AC repair in Tempe, AZ. If you don’t want to perform these tasks yourself, give us a call at Peterson Air Care and one of our air conditioning repair technicians will come out as soon as possible! You’ll soon get the relief of cold air again.

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What to do If Your AC is Blowing Hot Air

Check the Thermostat Settings

Did someone inadvertently raise the temperature on your thermostat or, worse, set it to “Heat” instead of “Cool”? Before you stress about your air conditioner, make sure your settings are exactly where you want them to be.

If you have a programmable thermostat, double-check each setting. If you switched from “AM” to “PM,” it might explain your problems. If you can modify your thermostat settings from your phone, be sure it wasn’t done as a joke or by someone who didn’t know what they were doing. If you recently let your child play with your phone, they might have messed up your thermostat programming, too!

Inspect Your Circuit Breaker

Is it possible that your circuit breaker tripped without your knowledge? This might happen from time to time if anything overloads the circuit or the breaker needs to be replaced. In fact, it probably happens more often than you realize! We get a lot of calls when the breaker is the issue rather than the A/C, so check yours before calling for expert A/C repair!

Clean the AC Unit

Dust and dirt can accumulate on the AC evaporator coils if you do not clean them from time to time. It is a good practice to remove the lid and carefully clean them periodically. Because they are responsible for the cooling of your home, take the time to clean them thoroughly before restarting your system. This simple activity may considerably enhance the operation of your air conditioner and its capacity to adequately chill your house. Clean them cautiously so as not to harm the equipment.

For more info, read our blog post on How to Clean Your Air Conditioner.

Change Out the Filter

If you wait too long to change your air conditioner filter, the system will not get adequate airflow, and the result may be warm air pouring out of your vents. Most filters should be changed between once a month and once a quarter, depending on the specifics of your system and how frequently you use it. If you leave it too long, your air conditioner will suffer.

Call The Best AC Experts Tempe Has To Offer Today!

Contact Peterson Air Care and Home Service to schedule air conditioner repair in Temp AZ if your air conditioner is blowing hot air and these solutions aren’t helping. We will be there as soon as possible and we won’t rest until your problem is resolved.

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